Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Attendance:  Gose, Heimann, Nelson, West, Roy

Gose is using Achieve3000 to determine vocabulary and assigning a grade.

Heimann's HAVPA class is very Vocab heavy but with content driven words.
Students are designing their own stories and writing plays.

Frayer Model usage was discussed and how to utilize Google Classroom and digital Frayer models.

West: KMEA is next week.  They perform at 2:00.  It is a concern for how the students are going to get home?   Nelson recommends a parent form that parents sign and return that they know what time to pick up students.  Students can have parents contact Ms. West with genuine concerns.

Achieve 3000 discussion for next year.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Attendance:  Gose, Heimann, Nelson, West, Roy

Donor's Choose campaign is still going on.

Still need a LOT of funds to cover the transportation for the trip.

Achieve Challenges -  Want to provide student choice but that causes grading challenges.  The report for this is significantly longer and difficult to manage. 

Heimann - Uses the Thought question as a Mastery grade and Activity Questions as a Progression Grade.    He is seeing some very good responses to the thought questions. 

Gose - Conferences with students about Achieve at least once a week about what Achieve is telling them.   Challenges students who are not taking the assessments seriously (just clicking).  Pointing out successes with lower kids.   Lower kids get excited about Achieve days!

Heimann has seen students "level up"

Would continue using Achieve if teaching HAVPA next year. 

They do not find that it has enough relative content for the performance content.

Mini Embedded PD - Frayer Models and 2 Column Notes
Feedback - Use Frayer Model for the Blooms Questions starters... "Evaluate" "Analyze"   help students know what these words mean. 

How many vocabulary words should the students be learning at a time?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Attendance:  Gose, Heimann, Nelson, West, Roy

West's Field Trip went well.  Students enjoyed being on a college campus.

Nelson states that Donors choose fundraiser is going well because Donor's choose is matching the donation.

If Teacher's can share on Facebook that would be helpful.

Google Classrooms finally updated.

It is very frustrating that the district has a 48 hour wait (or longer) on google classroom updates.

Old Google classroom classes can be archived.

Achieve not being ready to use when

Mr. Nelson is utilizing "practice logs" this semester and incorporating this into google classroom.

He is seeing improvements in their playing already.   Students are more responsive to instruction.

Ms. West is using Achieve 3000 with this group of HAVPA today.   Last semester, Achieve was met with resistance. 

When Mr. Heimann sets Achieve expectations from day 1.   He links the Achieve straight into Google classroom.

Mr. Heimann collects 2 grades from each Achieve article... the thought question (Mastery grade) and the multiple choice questions - First try answers. (progression grade)

Mr. Gose sees resistance about Achieve from Freshmen.  Gose will be using it every Thursday.  Mr. Heimann did atleast 10 articles.   He uses Achieve because attendance is such a problem in HAVPA and it is content related and students have easy access to make up.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

PLC 11/20

Attendance:  Gose, Heimann, Nelson, West, Roy

Performing Arts Fundraiser - Started yesterday.  Link is posted on the the Harbor.  Each teacher is going to talk to the students about how to sell items to maximize their profits.  It is more important to sell more items that inexpensive than to sell fewer items that are more expensive. 

Backpack - Students are going to be uploading artifacts.   Teachers are pushing the reflection sheet using google classroom.

We went over how to upload artifacts to the Backpack correctly and how to push the reflection to all students in all classes through google.

Musical Theater class discussion - What if students don't make the musical?  Will they still be in the class?  YES,  they will all still be in the ensemble. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

PLC 10/2

Concert was really nice. 

8th grade from Stuart had some great questions when finished.

"Can we do more than one thing when we come to Valley?"
The choir is most different from last year

There were questions about academies.

The director of Orchestra at Stuart sent Nelson a list of names.  Fairdale is also running a recruitment next week so we hope that we get to keep these Stuart kids. 

Backpack concerns:

A performance specific reflection may be needed.

We talked about Backpack worthy Artifacts.

Discussed many different concerns about documentation for performance based artifacts.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

PLC 9/4

Attendance:  Gose, Nelson, West, Roy

Set up Performing Arts page,
Added Authors/Admins to the page
Discuss the Advisory Draft

Concert is September 25 with Band/Orchestra/Choir

Stuart is bringing their 8th grade to watch the performance during the day on 9/25
Time TBD

Nelson and Gose discussed many possible scenarios for stage sharing the Auditorium for all the different rehearsals and meetings. 

They developed a schedule for when to break down the Orchestra/Band/Choir concert so that Gose's theater production can rehearse.   Mr. Gose may try to use the cadets to help.

Embedded PD 9/18